I need help with my history project. It is due after Memorial Day weekend. My topic is the "issue of recreational drug use in America". My ideas have to be presented in a 20 min presentation. I'd like to talk about the use of drugs in early america (pre WWI). Talk about the famous americans that smoked weed. This is where i need your help now. I need help gathering information about present-day recreational use of drugs. I know weed is a common thing....but i don't smoke so i can't really explain much of it in a detailed way. Maybe, you guys can give me some examples of recreational drugs.
Think about the following about these drugs:
Time period
Politics behind drugs
thanks for the help. I know you guys will have fun with this one! biggrin:
dont know much about back then, dont do drugs either, but all i know that back then Cocaine was in Coca-Cola and cocaine was also used like an anasthetic. I know that doesnt pertain to the weed subject, but it might help
Garry, look up Cannabis and other drugs on EROWID'S VAULT: THE site for
everything drug related; be it information or usage and dosage. It also has
quite a few good articles in every drug category and profile.
i think he means illegal drug use
god i hate the words recreational drug use, gives me the image of some stoners going camping out in a recreational camping ground
Mind / consciousness altering drugs are fine with me, so long as those
using them aren't on duty. It's like sex and sexual orientation: be gay
if you want, it doesn't make a difference to me. Why are people so anal
about drugs ? You don't hear people complain too much about alcohol
and cigarettes... oh wait, those drugs are deemed okay because of their
legality. You're a bunch of fucking hypocrites.