Which should I release NOW? -
05-18-2003, 09:42 PM
50 caliber sniper rifle for allied sp03 (version 1)
50 caliber sniper rifle for allied sp03 (version 2)
High Power arctic sniper for axis KAR
m16 scoped for allied BAR
mp5 silenced for allied thompson
sorry my screenshots are crappy looking. I took them all in a dark map and had to brighten them a good deal.
oh yeah 1 more thing. the 2 50 cal snipers dont have workin reload anims YET since they are clip fed. they reload like the sp03. BUT! when I have the anims ready ill release an addon pk3 that you can install seperately to fix the anims. biggrin: who knows tho, i may have em done before i release.
Nice job once again Deleto on all of them. I'm more into ww2 weapons, so I don't care which one you release first, but if i'd have to choose go with the mp5 since everyone has been complaining about the gun.
On another note. Deleto, have you started working on that mp41(r) skin yet, or are you still working on other shit?
Um, the Second .50 Caliber Sniper rifle isn't even a .50 Caliber Sniper rifle.
It's either a Heckler and Koch MSG series rifle, or a PSG1.
yeah but I used the same pk3 for them both so mine is named 50 cal version 2. quick, easy, painless. of course for the release there will be new names for all these gun. this is just to get the pics out for you to see.