Ok first we have SniperTraining which can be used for tryouts of sniper divisions I guess.
This was taken from the top of a tower which you can get to by a elevator and the bottom floor.The big line things going around the map are glass hallways that officers can walk around and spectate from.
To download the map, copy paste this into you're browser:
And here we have HighSecurityPrison a new themed version of an old map that I made named BashArena.
The black cage thing is the cage players bash in, yes its small but don't worry i added a switch on the 2nd floor of the tower that can raise the cage so immature people can't interfer in the match.
This is the 2nd floor of the tower, to the far left is a elevator going to the top floor.
This is the top of the tower, as you can see I added some weapons and grenades incase the "police"(people making sure the immature people don't interfer in the match) want to change weapons.
This is the button on the 2nd floor that raises the cage.At the other side of the map is another tower for the annoucer.
To download, copy paste this into you're browser: