alright....but the gradient you added makes it look like shit[/quote:9fe38]
What gradient? If you're talking about the pic at the end, I highly doubt he added that gradient, and I would assume its just a lighting effect to the original pic.
thats a gradient alright, its a black to transparent gradient at the right end. thats not the original pic lighting, that would be way to dark for anything
Location: Looking through a sniper scope, targetting anyone in my sight.
05-23-2003, 08:28 PM
Its not a gradient. Gradients move straight across or straight up and down. They do not take bends into them, as if they are feathered. Look at the white-ish part of it. Its white, not transparent, as if light is shining on it, as well, the white/tansparent area is in a circle. Either the lighting effect was already on it, or he added an omni light on top of it himself.
what?! of course they can, i can do it easily. there are many options with the gradient tool buddy. he could of also burnt some edges. he could use some filters to bend it as well.