ummm...hi there...need help here...... -
05-23-2003, 09:55 AM
ok my younger borther whos liek only 8 years old wants to play Medal of Honor and he ask me to install it cause he dosen't know how to and my parents are like total morons at thsi kind of stuff. Ok I try to insatll it but theres like this error message coming out when I try to install and whole lsit of problems. Can like soemone help me?
If you could be more specific about the problems you are having
I would be happy to help. Do you have an older computer? It might
need to be updated with the latest video drivers or DirectX. Ignore
the post above, biggrin: some people around here will actually help you.
K-I-A, were you born an ass or just recently decided to
become one? I used to frequent this board and offered a
little help to people and have even made a couple of sound
mods, but the way people are treated here drove me to seek
other sites for information and maps.