If you want to make a health meter you need Healthmeterback.tga + Healthmeterflash.tga and healthmeter.tga and when your looking in pakscape and you c the files i said copy and paste them onto your desktop and then open them and when you got the tga how you want just click save. And i allways save mine like user-hp_124 healthmeter.pk3 or somthing like that. i hope this helps you cool:
maby send it to me, I dont do scopes much but i might know whats wrong
it might be in the shader where somthing is deffrent but send it here SAF_76@hotmail.com and ill see if i can fix it
Maby send it to me, I dont do scopes much but i might know whats wrong
it might be in the shader where somthing is deffrent but send it here SAF_76@hotmail.com and ill see if i can fix it.