This is a question for canadians. What is your opinion on the best kind of beer? Ive found that Blue Light tastes like shit (damn good commercials though), Canadian is alright, and Miller is the best so far. Moose Head is alright to, but its not the greatest. I need a good beer dammit!!!1
Oh and im not paying $50 for a good tasting beer either.
MGD is pretty good, but more of a lighter beer. Kokanee old is 6 or 7% I think. Its not very good for bonging or chugging, but for enjoying a fine tasting beer, it is the best.
I was in Canada over for New Years Eve, I found a shop that sold the finest Stella Artois, sure it must be in plenty of places there, Stella is the nectar of the gods, go grab a 6 pack.
im not a fan of beer. but i do kinda like schmirnoff ice when i tried it.
heh...isn't that like saying "I'm not a fan of figure skating, but I kinda liked monster trucks when I saw 'em."
Actually, I think your quote is backwards zoner. Anyone that will readily admit ot liking smiroff ice over beer is probably a figure skaing fan, or may be ballet. :P