Ok now whats the deal with FPS -
06-06-2003, 02:28 PM
I have been reading on these forums now that people get more then 90 FPS
in MOHAA, SH. I cant get passed 90 on some maps it goes down to 40 to 50
this is my Vid ASUS GF4Ti 200 128 DDR 3.6ns with a AMD XP 2.2 1024 DDR
400 WD 80 GIG 8 MB Cahce. Any one know if it is in a console command
or in the settings that i may get this up to better then what i am getting now
If that is the case what Video cards are u using to get those kinds of FPS and what drivers are u using, 2nd that command line i will try and see if it
really works, Still havent seen anyone post those same command lines to
get those FPS. Lets see some more posts people i want to beleave that this
game can give me those FPS. Also here is ? is the server that u play on help
in getting those FPS that u talk about i mean if you play on a T1 or OC48
T3 lines can those make your gamre run that u get those FPS up. By the
way thanks for the posts.
well itried that with 600 and it didnt work but i tried it with "600" and it worked so far the most i have gotten is 200 and change that is a tremoundus improvment then what i was getting. But no where as near as
the 600 or 700 i have heard hear
set it to com_maxfps 200. Anything over 200 can cause minor lag. Besides, after 69FPS, you will not see a difference in the game, your eyes can only interpret (Spelling) 57FPS.
Hey Joe thanks for the tip may try that but for now the only thing i get is a little clitch like a hasatation it may seem but so far having Frames that i never saw before, seems also the map in Holland my frames goes right to 20 to 40 now it goes to 40 to 60 with this setting in gun battles it goes down a little bit lower thou. I presume that the map in ? has a lot to do with
the FPS and the amount of people as well.