LOL Dude I have no idea wtf you are saying. Maybe if tried spelling correctly and put your sentences to where they make sense, someone would reply to your message.
That is awesome how he is playing the part again (yay!). I hate when they get different people that play the same part, kinda like ''Dumb and Dumberer''
Nobody but Rob Englund could play Freddy. it just would not be the same. They do have a new guy playing Jason, however. Dude's name is Ken Kirzinger, a Canadian stuntman. He's friggin' HUGE! Muhahahahahaaa!
As much as I loved Kane Hodder behind the mask, I'm really looking forward to seeing what Ken can do.
Yeah exactly. I haven't really watched any Friday the 13th movies, but I watched like every single Nightmare movie when I was younger. And your right, nobody else could play Freddy besides Robert.