It's quite swell. The new items are neat, like the runes. The characters that you can hire, like the rogue in the first act, are now MUCH better since they can be equipped and they have their own skill level and such. Your stash is much bigger too. I only played as the Druid and wow he is one awesome character. I only died once on Duriel and didn't even die a single time on Andariel while playing on nightmare. Don't laugh at me, but when I was playing as a Necromancer last year I died about a million times on those two. But if you want these or better kinds of results you must always focus on one skill tree. I used all my skill points on weerwolf and wearbear and I was invincible throughout the entire game. The last(new) a act is pretty cool, but some of the areas are MASSIVE so remember to be listening to the television or some good music because you might eventually get bored of all the walking. The CGI movie at the beginning of the fifth act is cool and Baal looks extremely realistic in it. When I started playing with the expansion, I have not played the game since last fall so it didn't feel old to me because I have forgotten almost everything. If you have beaten the game already(like in my case), don't get the expansion unless you havn't played the game for a while or you really really enjoy the Diablo series or you just want to beat the last act and not play from the beginning But if you still haven't beaten the game, get the expansion. I hope that if they make a Diablo III, they include some kind of horses so that I can charge are horses.
[This message has been edited by Recycled Spooge (edited July 09, 2001).]