Hopefully some of you will remember me. It's been awhile I guess, but I thought hey what the heck let's find out what happened here at AA.COM since 2000?
Is the Ratpack still hanging out here? Whom from the old days (jan. 2000 I believe) is still here? I see Ballistic, Rude, Spooge are still here. Where's the rest? Badscript still running this show/hobby. I never thought he would keep AA.COM going that long.
Hey Wesley! Whats up man. I remember when I used to frequent the aa.net forum all the time till this site opened up. Glad to see you are hanging around. biggrin:
Whats up? Nothing much, playing Battlefield 1942 a lot these days and awaiting the new title Call of Duty. I'm still a softie when it comes to WWII gaming .
Thankx guys! Good to see some of you are still here. Although I never thought Zach would be an AA.Com man. J/K.
Mike, Tripper, Zapo, Vance and MPowell well that's 5 out of 100. Not a bad figure if you ask me. So what's happening here at AA.COM? Where's Badscript and the rest of the mods?