you mean leaning. In some servers its counted as cheating. other not. SOme times I will but it only makes you concentrate more on that. plus it doesnt matter if you look cool if your dead does it? So I dont do it too look cool. I concentrate on my shot and placing it where it counts
I only find it useful when sniping or going (sneaking) around corners, provides a lower shillouette for the badguys to see. leaning while running only attracts attention, and bullets
i bind my lean and strafe keys, so i lean all the time. to look cool? nah its just easier to move and dodge bullets this way. shotgunning is also a lot easier for me.
yeah yeah ppl who gota bind lean and strafe can't so it otherwise. It makes you much more predictable if you ALWAYS lean and strafe at the same time, it doesn't allow you to mix things up at all
i bind like fragged does, it helps me with all that he said, also it makes navagating the map easier, taking corners is easier and i tend ot not get stuck as much
[quote="Unknown_Sniper":8cee1]binding is almost cheating though. I personally only will do it around some corners or to peek around an obsticle.[/quote:8cee1]
ohh fuck no! Here we go again with binding being a cheat. Let's get this clear, it's no cheat! It's only a script that gives two commands to one hit of a key....that's all! It doesn't make neon people run around the map; it doesn't autoshoot. NONE of that. Binding helps look around corners and dodge bullets. I'd like to see you go up against a leaning shotgun while you just strafe back and forth...we'll see who's standing.
i dont bind leaning, but i use it all the time. why would someone consider that cheating? the less you expose to enemy fire gives you an advantage, especially when you are in a position to return fire.