'Where did you think of your nick-name? -
06-27-2003, 01:19 AM
well, as the subject of this thread says 'Where did you think of your nick-name?'
so where did ya?
I thought of mine last year when i was watching Terminator 2 and they were talking about the neaural processors, so i thought it sounded cool so i made it DaNeuralProcessor3k then changed it to da_neural
Some books about the finnish winter war told of a sniper who saved the finns at Kolla. Simo hayha killed 505 men in 100 days mostly using an unscoped m/27 at usually 800 yards out (he was also a big fan of the suomi too)
I mis-heard mine from the movie Wild Wild West...I thought they said in the movie buckWEED, it was actaully buckWHEAT... buckweed just makes it more original now
well I had always been called by my last time for the longest time. After the big South Park hit, my freinds started calling me Butters. Now I've been called "Butters, Butt,Butt-head,Butter,B-mang...etc"
i need a better one. i was thinking lastnight as i was looking at my zippo flipping it open and closed and the zippo had an ACE card on it so i was like ya.......ACE. but NO