Is it possible to put, say, a mp3 file in the music folder and play it in the server? I was told to come to the mod section because you guys would know what to do for this one. I want to play something like Mudvayne. Just because it sounds like good shooting music. So, anyone know how? I'd much apreciate it?
i am not sure if this is possible. i think each client would have to have it even if you got it play play automatically. could set music as map ambience, lots of work though. and don't be afraid if innoxx comes up to you here swearing like he's all that. don't be afraid....
He seems polite and respectable. It's people like Newt, Ryan and Snipedurazz that annoy me with that constant flaming. I never insult people unless I'm provoked.
Anywho, I think there's a script out there that allows you to play MP3, but the only thing is the client will have to have those MP3's too.