Mine is simular..
It was the Hunt and 3 allies were left.. I was camping in the church when one the unsuspecting allies came charging thru blasting with hes BAR. Shot to the head put him down.
Second allied solder comes sneakishly to the cannon and looks around, he can't see me or hear me (sweeeet walk button) but he decides to come search the church only to find me squating down by the ruble so he gives me a few shots, not enough to kill me but I give him a head shot and he falls to the ground.
The 3rd allied solder takes much more precaustion then hes 2 predecessors but not enough. He goes to cannon and plants the bomb, he knows i'm in the church so he comes strolling by, gives me a few long distance shots so I un-squat take out the sniper rifle and cap him in the head without zooming in.
My whole team was thrilled and you can imagine this while 12 people were in spectator mode viewing me do this, hehehe, proud yet funny momment
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[This message has been edited by spiewalk (edited January 17, 2002).]