I am currently working on a realism mod that can be used on the clientside of the game. This dosent mean weapon accuracy mods or anything like that, but things that you the player can do to make your game more like WW2. I already have alot of things done (small things but the difference they make is big) which have turned my arcade game into more of a WW2 feel.
So, list some things that you would like to see done (clientside only) and I will see what can be added to what I already have. Thanks.
add like if u could planes that fly over head,bombs going of in the background,and on southern france and stuff add fighting going on in the backgrounds,those are sounds but it would be damn sweet,oh and on destroyed village andd bombs and sniper rifles going off and stuff
I suggest a new HUD, like new (cooler) font, rearange the location of your compass ect. Maybe take out some of the text, like the number of bullets you have, just leave the actuall bullets.
oOOOOO and u could make mg42's in the multiplayer maps .30 cals that was my old project,i got it to look like a .30 but when u pick it up its a mg42...and p.S unblock kev from ur msn buddylist
have random tracer fire cross the maps at certain points. and change the ambience from birds and dogs to explosions and weapon fire. another thing would be to add explosion flashes in the distance on the darker maps.
yeah,like in ur "EYeCandy" mods how u added backgrounds to the maps(example: bridge in destroyed village) add like cities and have explosions and flashes in different parts of the city,i think the FPs would go down but hey it would be cool,and have permanint dead bodies
Hmm more WWII like...(ClientSIde) Well i cant really think of anything clientside other than maybe some new weapon models and skins .. Most lately have been modern not really ww2 like but i will try and think of somethings and post later when my brain seems to be working a lil better