Originally Posted by BusterKing
These forums have REALLY gone downhill.
Mods are afraid to mod I guess.
Considering we have only been appointed as mods this morning (and most of us are at work as we type) it is hardly fair to say we're "afraid to mod", isn't it?
I'd get your facts straight before you decide to judge us. An official statement is to be made very shortly (most likey as an announcement) that will outline what we have planned (and what we are discussing right now to that effect).
We've been appointed to help make this place better to post in but for us to just suddenly start modding it without all of us deciding how we are to do it would be pointless - It'd be no different to having no mods at all.
I appreciate that you've been unable to post here due to the idiots who think that spamming here would somehow "ruin" it. But they're gone now and, so long as I am concerned, they will not return.
Please give us at least this week to sort out what we need to.