Jumping maps not working on Spearhead -
09-08-2003, 05:42 AM
I am running v1.11 of Spearhead, I have seen many times that to jump
maps you simply type "map 2|2a" for example to jump to the relevant
map. Only the console keeps saying map map maps/2|2a.bsp not found,
I have tried many of the maps that maplist shows you but none of them
can be found when trying to skip between them. Is there a different cheat
maybe for 1.11 ? Is the UK version different ?
You don't want to use the pipe command/symbol "|" . make sure your useing the forward slash "/"
From my guide
Usage: rcon map [complete map name. ie: dm/mohdm4 or obj/obj_team4]
Use this to change maps. [/code:10622]
For my complter guide "Rudedog's complete rcon guide" [url=http://www.mohadmin.com/nuke/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=6:10622]Click here[/url:10622]
Also here is a list of stock and some custom map names to ues with the above command. Remember to always use the proper map name. The one in the pak file. sometimes people name the pak file differently.
[code:64218]dm/mohdm1 = SouthernFrance
dm/mohdm2 = Destroyed Village
dm/mohdm3 = Remagen
dm/mohdm4 = The Crossroads
dm/mohdm5 = Snowy Parks
dm/mohdm6 = Staligrad
dm/mohdm7 = Algiers
dm/trainingcenter = Training Center
obj/obj_team1 = The Hunt
obj/obj_team2 = V2 Rocket Facility
obj/obj_team3 = Omaha Beach
obj/obj_team4 = The Bridge
obj/renan = St. Renan
obj/stlo = St. Lo
obj/MP_Druckkammern_TOW = Druckkammern
obj/MP_Flughafen_TOW = Flughafen
obj/MP_Ardennes_TOW = Ardennes
obj/MP_Berlin_TOW = Berlin
dm/MP_Bahnhof_DM = Bahnhof
dm/MP_Bazaar_DM = Bazaar
dm/MP_Brest_DM = Brest
dm/MP_Holland_DM = Holland
dm/MP_Stadt_DM = Stadt
dm/MP_Gewitter_DM = Gewitter
dm/MP_Unterseite_DM = Unterseite
dm/MP_Verschneit_DM = Verschneit[/code:64218]
These are also listed under guides at MOHadmin.com