Oh shut up, you tits. Uneducated wankers who have spotted a 'kewl' bandwagon to jump on and make themselves feel like part of an in-crowd'.
I'll pay full price for anything that has been done properly. We even tried to work out a way of getting more money to the developer of Il2 because it is such awesome code.
The fact is 2015 lied and bullshitted about this game for months...it's popularly called 'hype'...I call it FRAUD.
Having wasted my time with their BS I'll DL the ISO on principle and use the game like I use solitaire...something to entertain myself with when I'm desperately bored, online or off.
The only coding these tossers did before MoH was a mod for SiN...and I'm sure the adults here can remember THAT particular disgrace of a 'game'.
I got no problem with amateurs doing games...so long as they charge the appropriate price (Class-B game, no more than £20) and DON'T PHUKKING LIE ABOUT HOW BRILLIANT IT'S GOING TO BE.
Stop whining about warez, you pricks, and put your energies where they belong...giving the 'developers' a hard time about LYING and CONNING the customers. Oh, and come back when you're old enough to know what a real fucking game looks like. Or piss off back to your PlayStation paddle-bashing and leave PC's for discerning gamers...adults.