I mean, who was the genius at EA responsible for this FARCE?
A major publisher (EA) pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to Id to license the Q3 engine, then hands it over to a bunch of bedroom-based SiN-modding kids to totally fuck up and hack to pieces. Then publishes months of bullshitting hype across the internet, gets everyones' juices flowing, only to deliver a SICK JOKE.
A game that has about as much security as a tent on a freeway. Lame maps, only four of which are objective based and open to every spamming and camping BS in the book. Clipping up the ying-yang. Fundamental military postures not coded in (prone). Online maps the size of my back garden. Weapons that bear more resemblance to paint-ball guns than their real-life counterparts ("We reduced the accuracy of the MG42 by a factor of three for the sake of gameplay").
I wouldn't care about any of this except for one thing...THE BS HYPE!!! I don't appreciate having my expectations raised for months, only to see them dashed by the fact the developers and publisher are a bunch of LYING WANKERS!!!
I got my copy this morning at 9am from my freind who works at BB. I immediatly went to try out the objective maps online and was totally bummed out.
You think the Hunt was an axis granade spamming rush? Well that took more talent then just spamming choke points. Im absolutly dissapointed with the OBJ maps as the hunt was more fun IMHO then any DM.
Im gonna play the SP today and wait for the obj_mods to roll in.
In all fairness, it runs smooth.
um, what is your problem Siggi ? are you looking for attention or are you just trying to destroy the relationship 2015 has with us here ? take your opinions about the developers somewhere else please . and no i'm not just talking about this thread alone .
damn im really hoping theyll announce a patch or something soon, cos then I would re-consider buying the game, I know theyre already working on a mission pack.
If this games crap it ain’t the end of the world for me.
I think you have sort of hyped yourself up so much that its become a bit of a disappointment, anyone who dresses up in military gear http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/For...ML/003032.html has obviously taken all this a bit too seriously.
Its not the developers fault you dressed yourself up as a nazi, and went to the trouble of doing a 'cool' signature!