With no doubts starlingrad is the best multiplayer map,
although i have recently been hearing rumours that you can some how get on the roof, i no where to do it but not how to do it and cant be bothered getting up there is it possible a mapper could make me a starlingrad lvl with ladder and maybe a sniper nest or 2 on the roof
stalingrad 2 has all that 2 it you have ladders going to the roof and new other bits havent played it for ages i dont know if anyone is running it now but i remmeber it was very laggy and it needed fixing
I have starlingrad 2, and the map was poorly made and was not really what i was looking for. It makes starlingrad way to bigger map. In the original starlingrad i have never lost a game on any LAN server or internet server, but the new one i got thrased because to many camping spots. Plus i agree there arent many servers running of starlingrad 2.
Algiers is one of my favorites too. i dont see a point in going on the rooftops in stalingrad because its too easy for them to spot you. i like to get a team together and patrol the staircases and hallways. i hope they make more maps like stalingrad. did anyone see the call of duty movie with those two dudes clearing out the apartments? thats what i like. more mayhem, baby. the_finger: