ok... -
10-27-2003, 02:48 PM
search for a program on the net called "Pakscape" and download it. It is free. When u have done this, click on the link above to download my realism and save it to some folder. Then open up pakscape and open my realism file "zzz_agent_realism.pk3" that u just downloaded. You will see files and folders inside of the my realism......u will want to go into the folder that says "MODELS" then open the folder "WEAPONS". All of the different TIK files inside of that open up in notepad, so they are editable. Open any TIK gun file (labeled bar.tik, mp40.tik, mp44.tik...ect) and analyze the code in it. You will see code that says something along the lines of this:
firespreadmult 0.4 0.4 200 0.8
bulletdamage 50
tracerfrequency 3 //original 0
crosshair 1
zoom 31
movementspeed 0.95
// AI animation group info
weapongroup mp44
airange short
// DM Attributes
dmbulletcount 1
dmstartammo 300
dmammorequired 1
dmfiredelay 0.078
dmbulletrange 9000
And so forth....You can edit any of these settings (NOT THE COMMANDS, only the numbers) and it will affect how much damage that particular gun takes away, how fast it fires, the zoom level if any, how much ammo the gun has, how far it shoots, how accurate it is, and a whole bunch of other stuff! So, now is the time to choose and edit the TIK's to your liking. If you want to view the original settings of mohaa, they are in the PAK0.PK3 file in the MOHAA>MAIN folder (BUT DO NOT EDIT IT...IT WILL SCREW UP THE GAME) So, hope this stuff helps and if u have any questions, reply and i will answer it ASAP. peace....
__________________CP}X{Agent Orange}*BR.GEN*_________________________