Ok, the last one disintegrated into a shotgun vs. all debate but before it did Fragged mentioned how players stick halfway through the ground.
Isn't that called landsharking (aka "the ladder bug") and considered a cheat by leagues and most public server admins?
I remember a couple of guys doing that on a public server (one of thge BaH ones I think), pretty soon they were blasted with "gayass cheater", "go f*** yourself", etc. and were promptly booted when the admin showed up biggrin:
The shotty walk is when you jump up in the air fire you shotgun, but hold down the fire button. Your body gets stuck in a funny pose. Its not really a cheat, you just ended up walking around looking like a dinosaur.
The shotty walk is when you jump up in the air fire you shotgun, but hold down the fire button. Your body gets stuck in a funny pose. Its not really a cheat, you just ended up walking around looking like a dinosaur.
oh you mean when they run around frozen all statue like?
I always thought that was lag/video problem related, not another stupid bug EA failed to patch oOo:
while we are on the subject of stupid but funny bugs:
do you guys think the devs put those in on purpose for people to discover or are they really random glitches caused by messy code?
Landsharking is easily fixed with a server side map fixes. Basically, with out giving away too much of how to landshark, it makes it so you die if you try to climb a ladder using the "use" key. Takes a coule of deaths to get used to, but stops the nonsense.
Sharking in The Hunt patch... -
10-28-2003, 03:30 PM
Can you make a patch were people can still climb ladders. I sometimes need to climb a ladder, say, in The Hunt for example and I die. No intention of sharking, but I wanted to get to higher ground.
This specific case could be viewed by some to be cheating server side. Denying you the ability to get to an honest spot... There has to be another way to stop it.