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Default 01-22-2002, 03:20 AM


(Edit: My review of this game is written down below, no spoilers in it either)

Already on the second mission too. Beginning of the game was GREAT. Though most of you have already seen it in the video clips, it looks even fucking better on your screen!

AAAh wtf am I doing here? I'm gonna go back to playing it....


(I'll be back later with complements and complaints.)

[This message has been edited by Jesta (edited January 23, 2002).]
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Lt_Col_Tall is Offline
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Default 01-22-2002, 03:27 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Guess what manual I'm reading right now while taking a sh..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You have internet access on the sh***er as well to tell us this?


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jimboz is Offline
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Default 01-22-2002, 04:02 AM

my dream has always been to take a shit while online. has this man just lived it?
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Sn!peR is Offline
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Default 01-22-2002, 04:07 AM

I have an overclocked toilet(60 GPF)....does that count? BAWOOSH
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Default 01-22-2002, 05:10 AM

my ultimate bathroom includes a computer AND a tv, its a pain when your trying to watch a game and you have to take a shit

"5 men is to shoot the oppertunity 1 man is a waste of ammo"
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Default 01-22-2002, 05:31 AM

WELLL the gods have answered your prayers my friends...........

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K.N.K][NCO is Offline
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Default 01-22-2002, 05:33 AM

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Default 01-22-2002, 05:50 AM

Alright guys. I've been playing for well over 3 hours since my last post, and stopped right after I got to the incredible Omaha Beach level. I haven't finished the level yet, but here are my thoughts on single player thus far (**NO REAL SPOILERS SO DONT WORRY**):

First level (not talking about the training) will blow you away RIGHT FROM THE START.
Some of you may have seen a video of it earlier, but regardless, when you are actually sitting there playing it, watching it go by, screen by screen, it's fucking fantastic. The graphics on the first level are so great and polished that my fps dropped down to like 10 when looking at certain aspects of the level (and I'm on a Pentium III 850 w/384 RAM and a GeForce 2 GTS that has 32 megs), but that was because I had all settings set to highest. The lighting on this level is better than anything I've seen on RTCW. The way the game just starts out is great.

Unfortunately though, things start going downhill a bit over the next level or so as it starts turning into a find item/shoot your way through Nazis...but this doesn't last very long because shortly after this brief period of boredom you are rewarded with an extremely entertaining level that shows you what the Quake 3 engine can actually pull off (I'd be more specific but I don't want to spoil anything).

Next couple levels are alright, nothing that spectacular visually or gameplay wise (except for one of em), and then there's a real pain in the ass portion that comes up which would probably have been fun if I weren't playing on HARD difficulty.

And now I'm on Omaha Beach. Playing it for the first time, you will be impressed as shit. You'll die a hell of a lot of times as well until you figure out how to survive (which I'm not going to tell you). Unfortunately, this isn't a good thing because you start to realize that the game is HEAVILY dependant upon scripting. Not only do the comments you hear become repetitive after your fifth death, but you start noticing how the "AI" on the level shoots at you only when it sees you run out in the open, and the firing bursts always last for the same amount of time.

Fortunately, this ugly scripting is not as apparent on other levels, that is, of course, until you play them again.

If the game wants your squad mates to die, there's nothing you can do to stop that from happening, even if you kill all nearby Nazis; they will just magically appear to be shot and drop dead. Really cheesy if you ask me.

I imagine that the problem will be the same conversely. All of you who played the single player demo know that there was no way for the Captain you ran around with to die until after you reached the lost Airborn Soldiers.

The reason why is obviously because they didn't use ANY character development whatsoever for your character (Powell). You never get to hear "your" voice, you never get to respond to anything verbally. "You're not here to do the right thing, you're here to follow fuckin' orders."

Because of this sorry fact, they had to use scripts that couldn't be adjusted based on whether or not the friendly AI lived, therefore there's no way for certain AI to die until they "play out their scene" and there's no way for certain AI to live.

Makes the game linear as hell, I know, but heh, we're dealing with the Quake 3 engine here folks. THEN AGAIN, one could argue that they could have tweaked the game to have multiple occurences, but I guess that would have been too much of a pain in the ass and would have required another delay.

The graphics in the game for the most part is just stunning. Some of the ground textures are a little bland though and detract from the rest of the level, but if you ignore it and just continue on, it won't bother you that much. The thing that will though is that THERE'S BARELY ANYTHING YOU CAN DESTROY/TRASH! On the levels I have played, I could interact with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Major turn off considering RTCW had tons of objects you could shoot up and destroy. This doesn't seem to be the case with MoH:AA. Hell you can shoot a wine glass or wine battle and it will stand there as if it were wearing bullet proof armor instead of popping open like in Max Payne. It doesn't make sense either, because you can shoot canisters filled with oil and the holes will make leaks that slowly ooze out the liquid, yet you can't destroy a simple bottle of wine. Bah.

With the exception of this annoying flaw, the graphics is still great. There's tons of lighting to be seen everywhere thanks to their shader system. The models look great too, they have various facial expressions, and lip synching is decent (not as good as Soul Reaver 2, but better than RTCW's poor attempt at lip synching).

Oh yeah, and one more thing before I end this post. The AI is WAAAY too fucking accurate.

I am playing on HARD, and in multiple instances the AI can see you before you can see them EVEN IF YOU ARE STANDING BEHIND BUSHES, and this means you have to look forward to reloading the levels MANY MANY MANY times until you (well at least me) finally have memorized where all the AI is standing and can kill them all without getting scratched.

Not very cool if you ask me, that's why I suggest you play on Medium. Then again, most people aren't going to want to play this whole game over again just to beat it on a harder difficulty, so maybe you should just go ahead and play on Hard. But since I've heard that the ending to this game is going to suck, maybe playing on Medium instead of Hard is acceptable.

All I know is that on one level early on, I reloaded a particular section over 20 goddamn times until I finally figured out a way to lose only a minimal amount of health and advancing to the next level. This was because the game's autosave feature which you cannot turn off placed a save when I only had 10 health left. Since I didn't want to replay the previous part all over again, I just said screw it and went on, forcing myself to get through the rest of it with only my measly 10 health. NOT a very smart idea, as this caused me over half an hour of RELOADING.

Many times the AI behaves realisticaly, but during other instances, the AI seems to act more like a Quake 3 bot that always hits you unless you hit them first and sometimes always know when you are coming. For instance, with the Silenced Pistol, I kill ONE PERSON, and the other Nazis are unrealistically aware that I am present. I'm not sure how they fouled this one up, but it's definitely a disappointment.

Overall however, the AI is superb except for these tiny flaws due to scripting and the likes, and this game certainly has superior AI to RTCW. I'm sure if 2015 delayed the game for another 4 - 6 months they could have polished it to make it a bit better, but for this final product the AI is fine.

Oh yeah, and I wanted to mention that on the Omaha level, MY FPS GOES DOWN TO SHIT! I've already tried tinkering with graphics settings, but still haven't managed to see my fps go above 20 while running through the beach.

At any rate, I'm going back to the game now. So far, I'd say the game is worth a score in the lower 90s, but I still haven't even tried multiplayer yet so this may go up or down. Still waiting to get to a tank driving level too..

I'll be back later...

[This message has been edited by Jesta (edited January 22, 2002).]
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K.N.K][NCO is Offline
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Default 01-22-2002, 06:01 AM


ALL this after a few levels...

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Lt_Col_Tall is Offline
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Default 01-22-2002, 07:41 AM

are you still taking a sh** while playing this?

And yes, I've surfed online while on the throne....that's the beauty of a wireless network and a laptop

I just choose not to announce to the world I'm taking a dump while typing a message


The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.
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Lt_Yeager is Offline
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Default 01-22-2002, 07:43 AM

LOL, I love that pic. I saw it earlyier on the post funny pictures thing in Off-Topic forum.


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Default 01-22-2002, 07:56 AM

Everything he said is true. I too have played up to the omaha beach mission. Its an awesome game, the graphics on the first few levels will blow you away. The problems with it, definitely the scripting gets way too repetitive and it still runs pretty slowly (Much beter than the demos though especially on SP)

The MP in the game is pretty much the same as in the demo. But the first thing you will realise is that most of the new maps are much larger (I have not played objective yet just ffa) Unlike stallingrad there are many rooms, doors, trees etc. The larger maps make the game a lot more fun to play.

So far I give the game a 94/100.

EDIT: And yes i bought the game!

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

[This message has been edited by higgins44' (edited January 22, 2002).]
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Default 01-23-2002, 01:44 AM

Damn. I've reached a level where the Nazis have an alarm they can ring to alert everyone that you're there.

For some reason though, even if I kill someone with the silenced pistol who is away from everyone else, the AI acts like it knows I killed someone and rings the alarm.

Very bad bug that makes this level difficult as shit. Hopefully it will be patched soon.

We're not here to do the right thing, we're here to follow fuckin' orders.

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Default 01-23-2002, 11:34 AM

Alright guys. Listen up...

Over the past 5 hours I've tried multiplayer on a few servers and continued moving on in single player.

As far as deathmatch/team deathmatch/round based are concerened, THE DM MAPS ARE WAY TOO DAMN BIG. Stalingrad is probably the smallest map of them all, and this is unfortunate because most of the maps look like they need at least 12 people. I'm really not sure why the hell they made the DM maps so frigging huge as it takes forever to find others when you have less than 6 people playing on a server. Playing on any of these maps except for Stalingrad in round based mode is NOT a very good idea at all.

As for the objective based maps, unfortunately there are only four of them, though they are great. In all four of em (one which we all have played...the Hunt) either the Allies or Axis have to blow something up and the other has to defend. Unfortunately, there is no Capture Point map, something we all know is a fun and wild concept that DoD uses.

Omaha Beach for multiplayer is great, though they made blowing up the shingle waaay too easy for the Allies. The shitty part is that all the Allies are usually unrealistically playing as snipers so they sit and snipe the Axis players, and we all know there sure as hell were never any Allied soldiers sitting behind a tank trap trying to snipe someone in a bunker. Aside from these two flaws, the map is great, big, juicy. The other two maps that you haven't played are also fun neither really compare to Omaha.

Overall, multiplayer is good. It doesn't have anything revolutionary in it and for regular DM/team DM the maps are really too big for most games, but the objective based maps make up for this. I wish there were more objective maps though, as DM is a dated concept that I personally feel shouldn't have been used in multiplayer. Some of the DM maps look like they could make really great objective maps, but probably for time reasons 2015 never turned them into these.

At any rate, I put another hour into single player. I beat all of the levels that are apart of the same campaign as Omaha Beach, and I'm sorry to say that the the map that came after Omaha Beach was mediocre at best. (The one after this one was the sp demo map we've all played already.) This map is yet another map that shows you the limitations of scripting in this game, as there is a Captain that runs around with you who apparently CANNOT DIE. I've sat there and watched him take tons and tons of shots but there's no way he will go down. Ah well. Not that big of a disappointment but still a little disconcerning considering RTCW never had to make certain characters immortal for script purposes.

The next campaign looks like it's going to be good, but only time will tell..

I guess that's pretty much it, heh. Overall I give the game a 90, its draw backs being that multiplayer dm maps are way too big and too easy to get lost in (which detracts from wanting to play them in team/round based mode) and the single player maps which I have played some far have a fair mix of fun and exciting levels as well as boring and dull ones. But what can you expect from a single player fps these days? They all have their fair share of shitty levels. <cough><cough>NOLF<cough><cough>. After all is said in done, MoH:AA proves to be a really great game. Though some limitations and flaws that 2015 left in the game are keeping it from being truly perfect, it sure as hell beats the shit out of RTCW.
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