ok im shure all of you are familiar with TBFWW2 or black water mods.i am wanting to start something like it.just have like a weapon skinner or two,same with player sakins.but i want realism,i am sooo anal about realism.i like to think im there when i play.....well back on topic if your interested please contact me on aim or msn.
plz post a reply if u are interested.or contact me im really excited.Grim_Reaper is willing to help.soi have 1 person already.i have sounds and weapon skins already im going to release to my members in my mod before i release to public.so plz help me get this going.im looking for 1-2 skinners.weapon and player.2 of each hopefully.a mapper too.that'd be good.i wanna do stock skin replacements.the shitbang.....so PLz help me....thx a lot -Kev
mg42-now mg34(done)
m1garand-added scope(done)
bar with bipod(done)
k98 with rear sights(done)
winchester model 97 shotgun model(wip)
sling on springfield
add flashhider and sling to thompson
sling to k98
sling to garand
sling to k98
sling to k98 sniper
add realism.(high gun recoil+high damage+medium accuracy)
somebody get some maps.
ok i'll try to find someone who mapps(chiken) lol ooo and chiken i already have a sling and bayonet of a m1..its beter then all the others...get on msn and i will send u pics
if anyone in the community would like to send a weapon or player skin in to us to use for the mod plz send em to me on aim or msn and if necesary e-mail em to me,i'll give my info below
msn- Powerman50011@msn.com (add me to ur list)
Email - Kevino@insightbb.com
plz contactm e if u wanna contribute to it...thx st@t!c out