Originally Posted by strvs
i am actually with you guys, its one of my best peices, and im right fucking proud of it, but i just get bored of it, its just everybody really liked it, so i thought id wear it a bit.
You said something that struck me there , and I'm gonna drift a bit off-topic.
Everyone loved the nature sigs I made , made a big deal out of it and then a trend started.
When that happened I got out of them. It's like I feel that I can do that well and it's time to try something different.
I think we will continue to drift to new ideas once we have proven that our current idea is good and well.
Sort-of a learning growth , like a child that gets exicted about tying thier shoes.
All hail the 4 year old for I can tie my shoes.
By the time a month goes by it's no big deal anymore , it's time to count over 20.