Enough is Enough on these Cheaters Posts!!! I FULLY AGREE with not cheating ONLY after completing the game, I cheat but ONLY when I have completed it with NO CHEATS, but these posts have too STOP!!!! There are children that get on here mine inlcluded, and too read some of the language, and then too see a photo of a grown mans butt hole and penis is GOING TOO FAR, WAY TOO FAR!!!! WHERE are the moderators at when something like that is posted????? Come on people, I'm not an old fuddy duddy, but this is a GAME for God's sakes, if someone wants to cheat, they paid for the game, and thats there choice, although its a waste of $$$ too do so, but it is THERE choice......... Now I know I will get flamed out BIG time for TRYING to bring a little sanity to this forum, and thats o.k. because even though you might/wont agree with me I will respect your views, just be a little more grown-up about it then to send photos like that, or use words like that, ENOUGH's ENOUGH!
shouldn’t the mods be keeping track of these types of post and removing them ASAP??
And start banning people who keep doing the same thing over and over again??
Rude dog I agree with you fully.... My little girl clicked on that photo, and then came to me and asked me what that was, I was SHOCKED to say the least, and didnt know what to say??? Its bad enough I have to screen the posts for curse words before I let her on, now I have to screen for porno photos on a PC game forum for Pete's sakes!!! THANK YOU for agreeing with me, I'm sure you will be the only one,and that I have opened myself up for ALL sorts of blasting, and God only knows whatelse??? AGAIN DANKE Rude Dog DANKE!
Yea a mod should be able to nuke that post. Fritz, the reason people are angry isnt with the single player cheats, its with people cheating while online. Im sure everyone here doesnt care if you use godmode to beat the game, but most ppl get really peeved when online and there are cheaters. Of course posting over and over about isnt going to help.
Hey, I'm a father also and sometimes wonder about this forum. There are a lot of good players here but sometimes the KIDS who's parents don't supervise them enough get on and just go off in some insane direction.
I wonder what BadScript has to say about this.
Hey BadScript if you need another mod to watch over things I would gladly like to help out.
First of all I want to say THANK YOU for ALL the support that was given on this topic. I didnt know ppl were upset about the online cheats, I really never- played on line, but I can see where someone using GodMode in an online game would tick them off a bit, especially as hard as this game can be at times, or most of the times! Thank You for the kind words, and I KNEW that I wasnt the only sane one on the list that cared about ppl feelings, especially ppl's kids, which is MORE important than anything!
Danke to ALL,