Answer to #2:
You can delete or move all the files in the MOHAAmainvideo directory (I left the one MP3 file RenSizzlefeb.mpg)
As far as multiplayer goes...I think they did a great job. You can compare MOHAA to RTCW all you want...but RTCW was also from ID Software, the kings of online FPS. MOHAA was done by EA and 2015, both of which haven't had tons of experience with the multiplayer side of the Quake 3 engine.
There are bound to be some sytems the game has problems with, whether it be your hardware or software configuration. Hence the reason for "Minimum" and "Reccomended" requirements. The game runs great on my system...Athlon XP 1800+, Geforce 3 Ti500, SB Live Platinum 5.1, 768MB SDRAM...etc. All options cranked up, 1600x1200 is fine in single player, but I have to tune it down to 1280x1024 in multiplayer.
Yes Gamespy sucks. Solution: The All Seeing Eye. Get it here:
Its important that everyone that has problems to post them, since I'm sure 2015 and EA are having people skim through these boards.
The game has been out for 5-6 days...give them a bit to find out what problems people are having and I'm sure they will be fixed.