How bout some mg42's on some of the other dm maps. Kinda sucks that Stalingrad is the only one with a mg42. Destroyed village would be sweet with a mg42.
Even if they could come up with the same old set the exploses that would be fine with me. You could blow the gate at the end of the snowy park. You could blow the radio in the room in the Algiers map, whatever.
I just dicovered those Team Match maps last night! But like the objective concept better.
How about an assisnation? Have some CG German officer in a room. The Germans have to guard him, the allies have to kill him.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LordLovat: great ideas! More SG42s!
Even if they could come up with the same old set the exploses that would be fine with me. You could blow the gate at the end of the snowy park. You could blow the radio in the room in the Algiers map, whatever.
I just dicovered those Team Match maps last night! But like the objective concept better.
How about an assisnation? Have some CG German officer in a room. The Germans have to guard him, the allies have to kill him.
Just a thought<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That would be cool! Some of those DM maps are very big. They would fit very well in an Objective Match... provided that you can create an objective for it.
the assasination thing sounds good.
but maybe a real person could be the german commander, with an appropriate skin.
this would probably be the easiest gameplay mode to implement, and we could do it for ALL the levels.
capture and hold is always cool though, remagen would be great for it cause there is that one big house in the middle of the map, the two sides could start in those 2 story houses on opposite sides of map, maybe there could be a flag upstairs in the middle house, whoever has control of it gets more points, OR u could just make it so whoever has control of it for 20 or 25 seconds wins the round. while there could be a 10 second reinforcement repsawn delay.
sounds like fun to me, defending the house, the center of town/level basically. kinda makes sense realistically speaking.
we should turn these dm maps into maps with purpose! i love team dm, but hey they can use some flavor.
a 2015 said if a mod is liked by a lot of peeps, they will make it official in their patch.
we should come up with ideas for objectives in some of those dm maps, and make them reality.
i have a crapload of ideas for missions, after looking at each level, i just lack the technical modding know-how, if anyone wants to help mod these levels or has ideas, post here, if not, OK, but I will find a way ehe
itd just be neat to see a list of 9 obj maps instead of 4!
I was hoping for the same thing. Like in Destroyed village or Regiman (sp) where there is a fixed path that either team has to travel to get to the other teams terrotiory. They could have those click sensors like on Omaha beach that blow the fences, say a certain number of axis click that, they win. Maybe have limited respawn too, like 3 then you're out.