07-07-2004, 08:59 PM
what's the point of having a computer that small?
All it can entail successfully is reading and keeping track of your schedule.. oh yeah, and e-mail.
It wouldn't be prime for games, looking at any type of pictures..(including porn, sorry 98% of internet users.).. even software like adobe wouldn't be useful in it.
It might be good for aim/aol also.
But it'd be basically useless, or identical to a fucking PDA..
Hell, even a lot of PDA's have a camera, does that scrawny thing have a camera, or something that can take video?
I'd prefer a 300$ PDA, than a tiny sony vaio. I got a 1000$ sony vaio and I hate it.
These mini things will probably be around 800$ when they first come out. Then people will realize they'll become absolete. It probably has a keyboard attachment. When someone finds a way to make a tiny portable accessable USEABLE keyboard, then we'll see something awesome.