Gimme a break kids. If none of you have ANY free music, software, files - whatever on your computer, then more power to you to take the MORAL HIGH ROAD. However, I could say 90% of you do, so lets drop the acts. What you REALLY are yelling about is that he had the balls to ask for it on a public forum.
If you don´t like the fact that I had some brain to not to pay for a video game and save money for hardware, drugs, whores or whatever I would like buying, that´s your problem, but I said before, I want a code. Thanks again.
Go away. Why would you even post this crap here? Nobody is going to give up their code to you just because you ask them to, nor should they. Get a life and fork over 40-50$. I really don't think that you'll go broke over a simple PC game, and if you do, then get a job.
=[SE]= MSgt. Parchy
Company Sgt.
INTERSTEDVIEWER.... I bought the game for 29.99 Whether people get the game for free.or not thats their deal..not mine. I think their lame for going that route. Thats them ..not me. I work for a living and the designers of a game work for their livelyhood too. They have families too feed too. And yes...I do think its theft. Come check out my comp. and see if you find illegal stuff on find any. Dont mean to offend, just settin' straight.