What the hell is the trick to using this gun well?
I can't seem to do good with this even against newbies.
I've tried standing still before every shot, but I still don't hit.
When I do hit, they don't die unless I hit them twice, and that is a really big pain in the ass to do. By then they've either already sniped me or taken me out with their Garand or machine gun.
And when I run into someone who has a shotgun while I'm using the Mauser, forget about it...
Someone tell us the trick to using it right. I mean it's kind of stupid how the AI in single player can hit you with every single shot with the Mauser, but in multiplayer it's almost impossible to pull off a shot at a moving target. Yeah, yeah, I know in single player the AI has a tracer script that makes the AI lock on to you before he shoots, but it still doesn't seem right realistically how the game displays the AI kicking ass with the Mauser, but in multiplayer you and other players suck with it.
I've only seen a handful of people do well with it.
In DoD it is a really great weapon, but in this I find it repugnant.
So what is the trick to mastering this rifle? I really want to know.
American...I like American. Steamboat Willy, toot-toot.
Nooo! Please! I like American! Fancy Shmancy. What a cinch. Go fly a kite. Cat got your tongue? Colored beans! Betty boop, what a dish. Betty Grable, nice gams.
I say can you see? I say can you see? I....I say...
Fuck hitler.
Shut up with that filthy pig latin!