Thanks for the help there is no sound changer thingy
It all happened when I tried to join a Halo server when i saw machette in there..then it said could not connect and the gay Halo music starting like making a popping sound and then bam no hearing on the left side.
It all happened when I tried to join a Halo server when i saw machette in there..then it said could not connect and the gay Halo music starting like making a popping sound and then bam no hearing on the left side.
NO dont go thru all that troujble. try ou t the headphones on something else. also make sure its a secure connection. ususally one channel means its defunct
That happens to me on my old computer usually i just fiddle around with the headphone wire and if its my speakers i try adjusting the sound from the control panel. If that doesnt work I hit them really hard.
something happned just like that to my mic from socom thta i used in ts. it just messed up and sound was crackly and then it didnt work. i examined it and right where the cord attaches to the earpeice, it was messed up. with it on and listing to something, i fiddled with the cord and sound would crackle and give out. get new ones from best buy.
same shit happened to me, i was playing cod and the sound sounded a little distorted, didnt pay attention to it....went to winamp to play a song and it was really fucked up....i guess they just crapped out on their some new ones Logitech headphones...they are great