I ussually kick people by going to console and typing in Kick playersname, 90% of the time the person gets kicked but some people i have trouble with kicking. They have really simple names but everytime i type in the command it says Format or something and then kick <playername>. Anybody know how some of these people avoid being kicked?
Try typing in their name in quotes like this: Kick "jim008"
American...I like American. Steamboat Willy, toot-toot.
Nooo! Please! I like American! Fancy Shmancy. What a cinch. Go fly a kite. Cat got your tongue? Colored beans! Betty boop, what a dish. Betty Grable, nice gams.
I say can you see? I say can you see? I....I say...
Some people have wierd characters or spaces in their names. I can never get it to work with kick <playername> so I gave up on it. Now I get their cleint number with "rcon status" then do a "rcon clientkick <#>"