Originally Posted by Proteus
Wow, I'm sorry to say this but that looks terrible. I didn't like anything from it.
It's a war, it's not supposed to look clean. And the pic with the v2 rocket is repulsive. I'm sorry for being so blunt but I just dont think it's good at all.
http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~sanso ... /LE634.jpg
Now that the V2 comment is nullified, you just dont get it do you? IT IS supposed to look clean, thats my take on how I WANT the mod to look, how are you gonna tell me how it is SUPPOSED to look or not?
[quote:1e28f]some of the levels are cool but like he sed destoryed villaghe with half the buiulding without walls and there should be strach dust and dirt everywhere but instead Mom been around with the vacuum cleaner and given it a good wash too.[/quote:1e28f]
Yeah..like I said before, this mod is made to look clean! Well it seems like everyone does not like the "clean" look of the mod. That is what I love most about it. That was our goal from the get go. The way this mod got started was, I was wanting a version of DV, as it was BEFORE it was bombed and attacked. Well, in order to have the map "new/clean/back to normal" we needed the same textures of DV except clean and refurbished. So we started work on the DV textures alone. I am about 50% done with the conversion of the map, BTW. Well when we got in game we noticed that the mod we had changed alot of other textures in MOHAA Maps besides DV, common sense seeing as all the maps use the same textures in some areas. Well then we thought, why not just try and finnish the WHOLE game. So thats what we did.
I heard the argumet that "everything looks too "clean"", "too clean - they need dirt and grime and blast marks etc". This would not be correct if we were to add all the explosion marks and such because, if you look at it, Southern France, Remagen, Crossroads, Snowy Park, Algiers, V2, The Bridge...are not destroyed or battle torn. This conversion was made in mind of keeping the aspect of the maps, while cleaning it up a bit. Guys your bullet holes will be in the walls, the scorch marks from your nades will be there, its not like it will not be war torn AFTER your battle.
Dont get me wrong, but does't it make sense to start out in a well undisturbed town thats clean and then after the battles have commenced that is when the town becomes war torn?! I think everyone here wants that shit in reverse. stupid: