I am Pro Life. I think that abortion is murder. If you have seen pictures of what it looks like afterwards, its disguesting. I support the fact women have choices but once they start messin around, the baby shouldn't be penalized. And yes, some will say "What about rape?".
Did you know a unborn chil can inherit property, money, belongings ect. but it doesn't have the right to live? I think that's bullshit.
You can always put the child up for adoption.
Did you know that within 12 weeks that a unborn child has all the body parts and organs that you have right now? They're just not as advanced.
Did you know all but 1 or 2 abortion methods dismember the baby? One of them burns the skin off of it and one starves it to death.
Pro Life all the way, Not just because I`m Catholic but because if you get pregnant it is your responsibilities , but if you get pregnant and is not your fault"Such as rape" then I believe its the mothers choice BUT....I`d still go with pro life no matter what...
Pro Life all the way, Not just because I`m Catholic but because if you get pregnant it is your responsibilities , but if you get pregnant and is not your fault"Such as rape" then I believe its the mothers choice BUT....I`d still go with pro life no matter what...