rofl...what an asshat....hes uses all kind of 1337 speak in normal conversation
rofl...lollerskates....roflcopter......stfu...e thug e athleate....rofl
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker
Screw the girl. If she likes him that much, she'll wait 'till the match is over. Ya gotta put these women in their place at the very begining of the relationship....or you're fugged !!
I just listened to the whole thing....yup, he's got her on a string. You fellas should take notes....he's showing her who's in the captains seat.
Now thats a guy i can have a brew with. Bravo.
I don't know, a lot of girls say that kind of stuff just to get their boyfriend to bow down to them. Of course, I would have just said I have to study instead of being a geek.