Moderation and Fascism. -
11-02-2004, 02:12 PM
This is just a "You know where I stand" post, I'll keep it short for those with poor comunication skills.
This post is to help our regular posters as well as those who may feel that I am too intrusive.
Mod Acceptance
I took this possition because I feel this is the best section of this forum, I enjoy the tallent and the people who post in this section.
Rule Enforcement
For far too long people have been upset with the level of moderation on this site. I will uphold the rules and be as attentive as possible for my duration with this site. This is to ensure good moderation, nothing more.
No profanity, not in word nor image. Follow this rule. As par suggestion, I will PM serious and repeat offenders, and edit posts and lock where needed. Continuous violation will result in temp or perminate banishment.
Not hard, don't use profanity.
PM me!
If at any time you feel I have disrespected you or been unjust, tell me. I am not "out to get" anyone, never have been.
One last note
Don't test my furry. I present myself in a very noble and friendly way... do not assume that makes me weak. I don't want to be a nazi about anything, but if those individuals whom consistantly bend and break rules continue, I will be forced to do more than edit posts and lock threads.
This is not my community, it is yours. For lack of a better comparison, I am a public servant and must address issues brought to my attention for the good of all.
Replies are not needed, thank you all for reading.