Just got back from their concert, fucking amazing ed:
My Chemical Romance and The Used opened up for them, they were ok, but I didn't like them that much. Korn was awesome, especially when they played Another Brick in the Wall. Thats about as close as I'll get to a real pink floyd concert. dance: happy:
1. Zoner likes Korn (has since 1996...when some of you feebs were still squirting strained carrots into your Huggies)
2. Statement made that "Korn is for pussies."
3. Therefore, Zoner is a pussy.
i saw Pink Floyd in concert... it was amazing, they played 'Another Brick in the Wall' and behind them was a huge fake brick wall, that was collapsing, I had floor seats, it was awesome...
When I was 8, i bought the orginal. Shoots and ladders > all. Fav album to date has to be Follow the leader, lol which in turn kinda relates to what zoner said.
well I can say that The Used is quite horrible, as for KoRn I saw them live when they were down here. Wasn't a huge fan, but they're okay. They didn't sound as good as I thought they would, but hey still a fun show.