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 The End Is NIE |
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The End Is NIE -
12-09-2004, 12:01 AM
During the post world war 2 era, near 1950 many reports of Extra Terrestrial Encounters were filed. The term UFO and Grey were born and used for the first time. These were the most common names for these strange pneumonias. With the evidence given, the odds of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence exist are high.
Many Artist claim that they have made crop circles because they look incredible and they believe it’s a fascinating way to express there artistic talents to the world. We have also proved that there are many man made ones from farmers or other people looking for fame. On the other hand, during scans done by scientist, crop circles tend to appear right under there noses that their scanners apparently never picked up at the time they happened.
After 1950 many abduction reports were submitted to project blue book, an air force project that investigated alien reports. Unfortunately many people lied and tried to get famous and wanted to be a media star. The odds of an abduction report that is not false are being lowered everyday because of the kind of people who will do anything just to have a picture of there face on the newspaper. However there are still a remaining 90% of reports unsolved to this day. These occurrences can not be explained at all.
As I said before, sine abduction reports are very flawless, mysterious and we haven’t been able to solve them. Betty and Barney Hill were the first of there time period to experience such an event. As they were driving home they had spotted a very large object that was incredibly bright. They stopped and Mr. Hill went out with binoculars to examine it. When he realized it was coming towards them, he yelled to stay in the car and he jumped back into his seat and prepared himself to flee away. Then all they remember is darkness. In the months fallowing they started to have nightmares and headaches. They remember seeing the Greys. A Grey is a nickname given to a specific group of aliens who have appeared in countless abduction reports. When the Hills went to get a medical report, there were no traces of organic or mental disturbances to prove there wrong.
Second most importantly is the Drake Equation. This shows us the odds of us finding life. The equation is N= R* Fp Ne Fl Fi Fc L. In other words N= Number of Galaxies, R*= number of stars, Fp= fraction of the stars with planets, Ne= number of planets with inhabitable environments, Fl= fraction of planets with life, Fi= fraction of life with intelligence, Fc= fraction of creatures with radio capabilities and lastly L= longevity of Civilization. You see, L is the most important variable because there could be intelligent life on any planet; it could have gotten whipped out in a war which would obviously lower the Longevity of the Civilization.
Lastly we have the theory of Planet X. Planet X is called many different things, the 10th planet, the comet of doom, the red star, the blue star, the fiery messenger, the Greeks call is nemesis and its own inhabitants, the Annuaki call it “Niburu”. This is the long lost 10th planet; it has an elliptical orbit that last 3,600 years. The last time it came around was in the Old Testament of The Bible. This has greatly affected its writings. The Annuaki realized their atmosphere was dieing and they needed to repair it. When they came across the planet Earth they went and looked for gold to repair it with a special type of refinery. When they came across humans they decided to make them slaves. The humans of that time were very unintelligent; therefore they co-mingled with them to make modern day man. We know this because of a passage in The Bible. In Genesis 6-4, it describes giants co-mingling with humans. The Annuaki are similar to Greys, but are 8-10 feet taller, which makes them slightly larger. Also we know that they were there at that time because in Genesis 24-32 in says that the people tried to buy land, but the land had been taken over by the Giants and they were very dangerous creatures. That passage has become missing in the 1952 version of The Bible. The same year that project blue book begun. The planet Niburu is expected to come back into orbit in the year 2012, which is the year that the Mayan calendar ends, which means our destruction. The planet is said to be visible during its approach using infrared lenses. In the last few years the Hubble Telescope, a massive government project was installed with the very same Infrared lenses. It’s all too obvious that they know.
In conclusion all there really is to say is that you must open your mind to the evidence. You can not ignore what’s in front of you. It does not matter if you want to look for them, because either way they will come looking for us, whether we are ready or not. The possibility of intelligent life is all too great.
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12-09-2004, 12:07 AM
Very interesting...thanks for that!
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12-09-2004, 12:08 AM
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12-09-2004, 12:09 AM
what source is that from
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12-09-2004, 12:11 AM
so are the really freakishly tall people in Africa close relatives or something. oOo:
but on a serious note this interests me. Why would all this stuff coencide with Planet X. If they came to our planet for gold to repair their atmosphere then wouldnt they have died off by now. unless they moved underground or something.
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12-09-2004, 12:13 AM
I got it from the BoB forums....dont ask me...but I did a Great Depression project so i got ahold of a Bible from the 30's and it really talks about these Giants throughout Genesis.
 Re: The End Is NIE |
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Re: The End Is NIE -
12-09-2004, 01:31 AM
I'm an astronomy fanatic. I've taken astronomy in College, and am currently in ASTR 2203. I also have read a lot of books and sites on all types of astronomy, and the possibility of life elsewhere. I get my information from professors and literature.
If anyone wishes to talk about astronomy with me, i'm always happy to. It's one of my passions. I don't claim to know everything, and i'm not a professor with PhD's in Physics, although I have read Special and General relativity for fun if that counts for anything.
[quote="Pvt.Pinhead":21f49]During the post world war 2 era, near 1950 many reports of Extra Terrestrial Encounters were filed. The term UFO and Grey were born and used for the first time. These were the most common names for these strange pneumonias. With the evidence given, the odds of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence exist are high.
With what given evidence? The evidence that a lot of people filed UFO claims makes the odds of Extra Terresterial Intelligence high? I don't see many scientists saying "Extra Terresterials exist because so many people have reported seeing one".
Many Artist claim that they have made crop circles because they look incredible and they believe it’s a fascinating way to express there artistic talents to the world. We have also proved that there are many man made ones from farmers or other people looking for fame. On the other hand, during scans done by scientist, crop circles tend to appear right under there noses that their scanners apparently never picked up at the time they happened.
What scans? What type of scans? This paragraph hardly makes any sense at all.
After 1950 many abduction reports were submitted to project blue book, an air force project that investigated alien reports. Unfortunately many people lied and tried to get famous and wanted to be a media star. The odds of an abduction report that is not false are being lowered everyday because of the kind of people who will do anything just to have a picture of there face on the newspaper. However there are still a remaining 90% of reports unsolved to this day. These occurrences can not be explained at all.
I doubt that figure very much.
In any event, occurances are tough to explain because of
a) a limited number of witnesses
b) people's wild imaginations
c) dishonest people
Anyone can go to the police and make up this whole story about seing whatever, and it would be impossible to explain because no one else was with me, and it's not a known natural occurance, because I could have made it up.
[quote:21f49]as i've said before, sine abduction reports are very flawless, mysterious and we haven’t been able to solve them. Betty and Barney Hill were the first of there time period to experience such an event. As they were driving home they had spotted a very large object that was incredibly bright. They stopped and Mr. Hill went out with binoculars to examine it. When he realized it was coming towards them, he yelled to stay in the car and he jumped back into his seat and prepared himself to flee away. Then all they remember is darkness. In the months fallowing they started to have nightmares and headaches. They remember seeing the Greys. A Grey is a nickname given to a specific group of aliens who have appeared in countless abduction reports. When the Hills went to get a medical report, there were no traces of organic or mental disturbances to prove there wrong.
Abduction reports are flawless? How do we know this?
As for greys, If you really think that other life forms will look ANYTHING like us, meaning extremities, face, and torso, you're sadle mistaken. What are the chances of other life forms on other planets will take the same evolutionary path as us and develop human like bodies? That is pratically impossible. Forget everything hollywood has told you. What makes you think that aliens would have a face? What makes you think that aliens would have eyes?
See this narrow band on the Electromagnetic Spectrum? This is visible light as we know it:
This entire chart is light. There is visible light, and non visible light. Radiowaves, x-rays are still light, even though we can't see them. That narrow band from 700nanometers to 400nanometers is all humans can see. Why can't aliens see gamma rays, or UV rays, or Radio waves? If this was the case, they would have evolved in a totally different way from us. I find it very unlikley that aliens would have evolved similar to us. I don't think anyone on earth could imagine what an alien looks like, we simply don't have enough information to go off of, or the imagination to produce it.
On with Mr hill:
So because Mr Hill was checked out as having no mental disturbances, what he says happened, really happened? C'mon, people lie all the time. I bet every one of us has lied to someone in the past month. I bet even in the past week. In any event, there are numerous other thing that what Mr hill saw that it could have been. We can't prove the existence of Greys because MR hill says they exist. Scientists need tangible evidence.
Second most importantly is the Drake Equation. This shows us the odds of us finding life. The equation is N= R* Fp Ne Fl Fi Fc L. In other words N= Number of Galaxies, R*= number of stars, Fp= fraction of the stars with planets, Ne= number of planets with inhabitable environments, Fl= fraction of planets with life, Fi= fraction of life with intelligence, Fc= fraction of creatures with radio capabilities and lastly L= longevity of Civilization. You see, L is the most important variable because there could be intelligent life on any planet; it could have gotten whipped out in a war which would obviously lower the Longevity of the Civilization.
This guy is in way over his head. I had the drake equation in my signature a while ago. It doesn't tell us the odds of anything. Each number in the Drake equation is a guess, with the exception of the ones we do know. We don't know how many stars have planets, or how many planets could harbour life. Would you solve a math equation by guessing the variables? The drake equation is simply an estimate. If you change one value, the entire thing goes crazy. You could have anywhere from 1 intelligent life form, to millions with literally the change of one number. Again, we simply don't have enough info to accuratley predict this. The drake equation PROVES nothing.
Lastly we have the theory of Planet X. Planet X is called many different things, the 10th planet, the comet of doom, the red star, the blue star, the fiery messenger, the Greeks call is nemesis and its own inhabitants, the Annuaki call it “Niburu”. This is the long lost 10th planet; it has an elliptical orbit that last 3,600 years. The last time it came around was in the Old Testament of The Bible. This has greatly affected its writings. The Annuaki realized their atmosphere was dieing and they needed to repair it. When they came across the planet Earth they went and looked for gold to repair it with a special type of refinery. When they came across humans they decided to make them slaves. The humans of that time were very unintelligent; therefore they co-mingled with them to make modern day man. We know this because of a passage in The Bible. In Genesis 6-4, it describes giants co-mingling with humans. The Annuaki are similar to Greys, but are 8-10 feet taller, which makes them slightly larger. Also we know that they were there at that time because in Genesis 24-32 in says that the people tried to buy land, but the land had been taken over by the Giants and they were very dangerous creatures. That passage has become missing in the 1952 version of The Bible. The same year that project blue book begun. The planet Niburu is expected to come back into orbit in the year 2012, which is the year that the Mayan calendar ends, which means our destruction. The planet is said to be visible during its approach using infrared lenses. In the last few years the Hubble Telescope, a massive government project was installed with the very same Infrared lenses. It’s all too obvious that they know.
What can I say about this? Well, he said it pretty well, this is a theory. Just like the theory of cold fusion, and the theory that i'm going to get laid tonight. I'm I saying this is impossible? No. I rely on imperical evidence to come to a conclusion as well as educated guesses when variables aren't known. This seems to me like a daydream more than an educated guess.
In conclusion all there really is to say is that you must open your mind to the evidence. You can not ignore what’s in front of you. It does not matter if you want to look for them, because either way they will come looking for us, whether we are ready or not. The possibility of intelligent life is all too great.[/quote:21f49]
Again, no evidence has been shown here. A lot of ideas and theories, but no evidence.
I do however agree with him in the last part. "The possibility of intelligent life is all too great." This fellow, in my opinion, is a complete moron. However I believe life is a natural occuring thing when the right variables are set up. Life can live on the bottom of the ocean where there is no sunlight and extreme conditions, as well as in the ice of the arctic. Life was meant to live in all kinds of conditions. I believe that life, or preoof of past life may be found on mars in the near future, and when that probe reaches Europa, one of Jupiters moons, they will find life there as well. And if you take a look at a map, Jupiter's orbit is way out there. Much farther than we would think anything could live because of the extremly cold climate. But it's a moon covered in Ice. and beneath the ice is water. And where there's water, there's life.
In my opinion, we won't find intelligent life in our lifetime. I do believe we'll find proof of single cell life in our own solar system, perhaps even alive right now.
The universe is just much too vast to explore. Nevermind the universe, our own milky way galaxy is 100,000 light years across. That means, to travel from one end to the other, it would take you 100,000 years traveling at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) to accomplish the trip. There are billions of galaxies. How life can't exist anywhere else, I don't know. How we're going to find intelligent life is even harder to swallow in my opinion.
To summarize:
I believe in Extra Terresterial life, and intelligent life even in our own galaxy, let alone the universe. Do I believe they have visited us? No. Will they? Perhaps someday, but that would require traveling at speeds faster than light, which as we know it right now is not possible. perhaps someday it will be, but right now I believe the space shuttle travels at 0.005 percent the speed of light, so we have a long way to go.
The best way to contact others would be with signals using electromagnetic waves like radio waves which is what SETI does. Still, even at the speed of light, these messages have only been traveling for at most 100 light years. To put that into perspective, out CLOSEST neighbour is alpha centauri. It is a solar system that lies nearly 4 light years away from us. Thats the closese to us. How many are in 100ly? A lot, but when taking into consideration teh galaxy or universe, this is just a tiny fraction of solar systems or star systems, it's so insignificant, it's pretty much hard to imagine.
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12-09-2004, 02:05 AM
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12-09-2004, 08:10 AM
Jeezus... eek:
Like I'm reading all that before 9:30AM.
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12-09-2004, 09:04 AM
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12-09-2004, 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by strvs
That invaded Cuba one time, and ate all the sugar there!
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12-09-2004, 09:24 AM
Hey Ninty, I'm taking AY 101 and 102 right now. We talked about quasars, and the appearance of it moving faster than light speed. I found it interesting. Also the aspect of time and velocity slowing down for materials that are being pulled in by black holes is pretty interesting stuff.
I don't believe that anything has visited us yet, and like Ninty, I don't think it will happen in our lifetime. The Universe is expanding, because eventually the gravitational pull of the stars, including the Sun, is becoming weaker and weaker. Same thing applies to Earth's gravitational pull, which is causing the Moon to slowly drift away. Somedat, the distance of the Moon to Earth will be great enough that the gravitational pull is not sufiicient anymore, and the Moon will just fly off into space. Same thing applies to the planets in the Solar System.
Part IV is dominated by similarly hard, fact-based evidence handed down to us from the Sumerians, Earth’s very first high culture, from 4,000 to 6,000 years ago, preceding the Egyptians by nearly 1,000 years. The Sumerians are the greatest single puzzle of antiquity, having walked straight from the Stone Age into a full-blown culture with over 100 of the “firsts” that we currently attribute to an advanced society. They were, in fact, the highest of the ancient high cultures.
The Sumerians left behind extensive writings on more than one hundred thousand clay tablets that described their thoughts and opinions regarding politics, economics, law, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, and history, to name only a few areas of their wide-ranging expertise. More to the point, on roughly 5,000 of those tablets they detail their inexplicable knowledge about how our solar system gained its final shape, how life came to be on Earth, and how humanity itself came to be here.
The scholars who translated those tablets in the latter half of the 19th century (1850-1900) considered them so utterly implausible, if not patently absurd, they consigned them all to what became known as the “myth pile.” After that, no one bothered to take them seriously until the 1950's, when a man named Zecharia Sitchin began rummaging around in the ignored and forgotten myth pile, acting on his belief that post-Stone Age “primitives” could not possibly have possessed the collective imagination, nor gained the real-world experience, to develop such a highly creative, technically sophisticated “mythology.” Mr. Sitchin felt they were in all likelihood telling the truth as they understood and believed it, and fifty years of brilliant research have produced seven books that outline the truly mind-boggling things the Sumerian tablets say (which are summarized in Part IV).
What they say is that everything the Sumerians knew was told to them by a race of superior beings they called “gods,” with a small “g,” who, ironically, were the original “gods” of the Old Testament. Those “gods” came to live and work on Earth from another planet in our solar system, a planet unlike any other, with an elliptical, 3600-year orbit that carries it from a perihelion between Mars and the inner edge of the Asteroid Belt to an aphelion well beyond the orbit of Pluto, in the deepest reaches of space. Ironically, modern astronomers strongly suspect that such a large celestial body (which they call “Planet X”) exists, because of its subtle gravitational effects on the inner planets. Unfortunately, it is currently so far removed from Earth’s orbit (just as the Sumerian tablets indicate), its location cannot be pinpointed.
The Sumerian tablets further contend that the “Anunnaki,” the formal name for the “gods” from the planet “Nibiru,” came to live on Earth over 400,000 years ago because they needed gold to repair their atmosphere (by a process detailed in the book), which they had damaged during their rise to a high technology, the same way we are damaging Earth's atmosphere on our rise to a high technology. Because mining gold is such difficult work, at around 250,000 years ago the Anunnaki genetically engineered humans to be their slaves (again, by a process detailed in the book). For as improbable as that might sound, our genes do in fact contain clear, undeniable evidence that we were created by genetic engineering between 200,000 and 250,000 years ago, in precisely the place where the Sumerian tablets claim the Anunnaki created us: in southern Africa!
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12-09-2004, 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by strvs
That invaded Cuba one time, and ate all the sugar there![/quote:aac71]
lol... so random...
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12-09-2004, 10:53 AM
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12-09-2004, 11:18 AM
I saw Elvis driving a bus in Kalamazoo
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