Originally Posted by Coleman
It pisses me off when I'm at school i hear kids say, "OMG!! I was up alllll night doing a paper until 11:30 at night! I'm sooooo tired. My life is over!" WTF people! I don't understand how people can go to bed NORMALLY at 9:30PM at highschool seniors...I'm always thinking, "What the hell is wrong with you?"
If I get less than 6 hours sleep then i'm pretty much a zombie.
At my current job, I have to get up at 5:30am to start at 7. If I worked there everyday, I would be going to bed at probably around 9:30-10pm, and I did last summer.
Longest i've slept was probably 16-18 hours. After coming home from basic I remember going to bed for a long time.