Best Classic Rock Songs that are Live? -
01-18-2005, 02:21 AM
I`m in the search for some good classic live recorded rock music, such as eric clapton-wonderful tonight... or pink floyd...what else can you guys think of ? rock:
well you'll probably get this alot, but stair way to heaven, because jimmy improvs the solos when he does them live, but keeps it remeniscent (sp?) to the recorded one (which in fact i read he improvised 3-4 solos for the album, and just picked one he liked, which means someone out there has some rare never before heard solos of jimmy page, although page probably has them). AC/DC's thunderstruck on live in donington is good to.
....Welcome to the jungle by Guns'N'Roses is also better live (Can't remember which live version it is...Don't even know if there are other live versions floating around oOo: )