...ok, heres the problem: I decided to download the Desert Combat mod, and saw that I should start with .7 before moving onto Final. So, I went onto
http://www.filefront.com and, well, downloaded it there..the download was supposed to take 6 hours on my DSL connection, so I put it on as an overnight download. I go to bed, and wake up to see if it downloaded, and suddenly, I cant get my Windows XP Home computer out of Sleep mode. I tap all the buttons, click the mouse..nothing.
So I turn the computer off. When it boots up again, I see an icon that says "Bush" and another that says DesertCombat_0.7_Full_Install and another icon that says exactly the same thing, but a different icon. The icon only reads 101MB, so obviously, it didnt download the full 600. I delete the icons, but unfortunately, the icon I CANNOT delete is the one that reads "DesertCombat_o.7_Full_Install" and the icon is pictured as a screen, with the little blue bar at the top, and the shrink, exit, and other icon in the top right hand corner. I cannot put this icon in a folder, or delete it, as it keeps on giving me the message "C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/DesertCombat_0-1.7_Full Install.exe is not a valid Win32 application"
and sometimes, it gives me another message:
"Cannot Delete_blahblahblah_:It is being used by another person or program...Close any other programs that might be using the file and try again"
Well, guess what...I repeated to download it another two times more. The second time from
http://www.download.com and the third time from
http://www.fileplanet.com. Every time, it does the EXACT same situation as I have already described..cant get outta sleep mode, only 100 megs, undeletable.
So, please, can you guys just tell me HOW to delete these three undeletable icons, or atleast HIDE them, and get Desert Combat to fully download, without the "eternal sleep"? My dads beginning to think its a virus, and I need this answered immedietley. Thanks.