1. A realism mod
2. Larger maps than the retail ones
3. Most, if not every, building should be accessible (sp)
4. Weapon classes with restrictions ( a la DoD)
5. The addition of a machine gunner class like dod once more ( .30 cal vs the MG-42)
6. a NO sniper mod for the Omaha map
7. More machine gun nest (like in the Stalingrad map) scattered aound the maps, .30 cals and MG-42s, depending on what side you are.
8. More open spaced maps, like fields and stuff.
9. An M1 Carbine
Well i think these are good ideas and i hope ppl start working on a mod with such options. It would be more like Day of Defeat, but with MoHAA'a kickass graphics.
Meybe some of those are good ideas, but I don't think every mod should have all of them... Really depends on what kind of mod someone is wanting to make. What if they don't want realism, what if they don't want DOD wep classes, etc., in their mod?