I have never played MOH through my TV but I have played it through my projection TV. I very rarely play it this way as you can see I have to spin 180 degrees to see the screen. This is being shown on a 120" screen at the resolution of 1024x768. I patch my PC directly into the projector with a VGA adapter. I get the same quality of picture on my 21" monitor as I do on this screen. Here are some ss of the setup and screen
As you can see from this shot my projector is right over one of my PCs. So I vary rarely play this way.
If your wondering about the targets on the wall. Those are from the "Gun Store" in Las Vegas. Whenever I go to Vegas I like to rent machine guns and "have some fun" I'm also a collector of Military fire arms. I just wish they were full auto but here in RI I can only have semi auto. If you guys like I will post some ss of my guns in the off topic section.
Na i like playing it on my PC, with my 19inch screen, GFORCE 3...BEST performances and runs SOOOOOO SMOOTHS, i put eerything on the highest! it is gr8!
2 questions.
why isnt yuor bin laden picture riddled with bullet holes?
why does he have suspiscious looking white stuff on his face. Is there something you arnt telling us about your secret love for mr laden?
I can't help about the shape I'm in, I can't sing I ain't pretty and my legs are thin. But don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to.