So I'm just chillin on the computer when I see this black thing shoot under my keyboard, I lift it up and this dumbass spider had flipped itself on its back and has been strugglin for the past 5 minutes to right itself... pathetic creatures these are...
Naturally I put a clear cover over it soon after and will check on it in the morning to see if it has finally righted itself...
EDIT: those white things are french bread crumbs, I'm messy..
Update tomorrow morning!!!
haha forgot oabout this...
Anyways I look in this morning and the little fuck is all curled up... either dead or in a deep sleep, so I poke at him and sure enough, the little fuck died on his back, what a way to go...
nuh uh! He fell on his back ON HIS OWN! I simply contained him incase he did flip himself back over, he never did. If I wouldnt have ever seen him, the exact same thing woulda happened.