i love goldeneye so much because ive played goldeneye 64 more than ive slept in my life but it still cannot beat The Spy who loved me.
just after jaws got thrown out the train window: Bond: He just dropped in for a quick bite.
I've seen a lot, but can never remember the names. I havent watched one for such a long time.... dont think I've really seen one since the last one, with Pierce BRosnan, was in theatres. With the asian chicks.
1. moore - pushing it to first as the films and not just him as a actor were better IMO than the connery ones.
2. connery
3. brosnan
4. lazenby
5. dalton.
story wise its the best. Same here for lazenby after connery. Moore sucks a big portion just for making bond camp with the stupid smirk and eyebrow thing!