Is it possible for someone to make a D-day normany helmet for the model like have leaves in it like in BoB, just like the 2nd and 3rd episode in Carentan!
They actually didn't have leaves and sticks in their helmet. It was green and brown canvas ripped into strips and weaved into the netting around the helmet.
I do think it would be cool to have a skin like this though.
Looks like Sgt. Shultz is the only one here who knows what he is talking about....
I have a WWII M1C Paratrooper helmet with liner, netting, 506th PIR, 2nd Battalion markings (The white spade), and paratrooper helmet net, and its the exact thing they had in Band of Brothers, so I think I can put together a skin...
hey syphon if i gave you a pic of what i want on the helmet would you be able to create a skin or it could even be on the soldiers arm or something you know for my clan. thx
Sorry Dot, but Im kind of busy making helmet skins for our clans...Im also trying to figure out how to make the same airborne model represent another model know, make little details on each model like certain rank, etc.