Unable to get a server list in Spearhead -
12-12-2005, 02:05 PM
I am trying to log on to a server in Spearhead, but the server list does not come up. I am connected to the internet- no prob there. Anyone else having this problem? Has Gamespot bagged-out on this?
i dunno how spearhead works but make sure you have the server filters off, and make suer you dont have it set to LAN or anything, cuz i know COD and COD2 have that, dunno but spearhead or moh
Thanks for the replies, guys.
The problem resolved itself...I suppose that the Gamespot server was down temporarily.
As for the patch, I never went for 1.15 as it messed up aiming. I still have 1.11 and it works beautifully.