I mentioned I had a couple of dents in my two passenger doors. Today I went to a "reasonably cheap" body repair shop to get a quote as to how much it would cost to repair the dents.
Estimated at £350 oOo:
Seriously I thought it shouldnt cost any more than £200 - even then I'd contemplate whether it would be worth repairing. Does this seem like an accurate price to you? I could buy replacement doors for that price.
Here are a few pics, on my nearly white car. Its not been worth cleaning due to the gritt and rain on the road.
^i just means finding a car thats the same model, same colour and thats broken somewhere else.
Very hard to come across.
Like I said its dirty because of all the gritters have been out for the last 3-4 days and its been raining today. No point in wasting my time/money in washing it if this weather is gonna carry on for the next couple days/weeks. Besides the rest of the car isnt too bad, its just where the grit and water splashes on from my tyres.
try and get insurance to pay for it. I have a $0 deductible on comprehensive damages, so if anything happens to my car outside of an accident, it gets fixed w/o a payment. i have some dents in my cars, but they occured during a lapse in coverage. cuss:
you dont know anyone who can get you a discount? i think that you get what you pay for in body work, just make sure you get everything done in writing and that you expect them to match the same paint colour and everything. on the brightside, if you pay for it to get done, they have to wash it first, so you get a free car wash!